Surgical mask

How to check and put on a P2 mask

How to check and put on a P2 mask

Spend some time getting a good idea of the shape and size of the face mask that would work best for you. Before going into any potentially hazardous area, a P2/N95 face mask should always be examined to ensure that it fits properly. During fit checks, a mask is adjusted so that it completely covers the bridge of the nose and mouth and that there are no gaps in the seal that forms between the P2 mask and the wearer’s face. mask

It is imperative that P2/N95 face masks be constantly worn in accordance with the guidelines provided by the manufacturer.

Step-by-step instructions for donning a P2/N95 face mask and performing a fit test

How to check and put on a P2 mask
  1. Take off your spectacles and your cap. Long hair should be secured back with a tie or braid so that it does not get entangled in the straps of the breathing protection.
  2. Place the P2 mask over your nose and mouth, making sure that the nose piece is positioned at the very top of the P2 mask.
  3. Position the headband or the ties at the base of the neck and over the top of the head.
  4. Ensure a seal across the bridge of the nose by pressing the P2 mask firmly against the face.
  5. Ensure that there is a seal over the cheeks and the face by applying pressure to the P2 masks; and
  6. Perform a fit check by softly breathing through the P2 mask to test its ability to seal properly. If the P2 mask is not brought in towards the face or there is air leaking around the facial seal, the P2 mask has to be readjusted and the procedure needs to be repeated or the P2 mask may have a flaw. If the P2 mask continues to leak, you may want to look into purchasing an alternative size or model of the mask.

People who have facial hair, such as beards, should shave before wearing a P2 mask since it is impossible to ensure a proper seal between the P2 mask and the wearer’s face when they have facial hair.

How to check and put on a P2 mask

Preserving an efficient level of protection

  • Replace the P2 mask if it starts to become wet. 
  • Remove the P2 mask only when you are in an area with better air quality.

People in New Zealand are strongly urged to cover their faces whenever they go out in public to help stop the spread of the Covid-19 virus.

However, many of us do not have a good understanding of which masks block the spread of the virus the most effective and how to use them for the utmost protection.

According to epidemiologist Dr. Lucy Telfar-Barnard, who is located in Wellington, New Zealand, the Omicron variation is already on our doorstep, which means the New Zealand government has to take up and swiftly develop a national mark plan.

Throughout the length of the epidemic, we have only received little information about masks… “People do really want good information about when to wear masks, what kind of masks to wear, and about the quality of the P2 masks that they’re buying,” Dr. Telfar-Barnard tells Wallace Chapman. “and people do really want good information about when to wear masks, what sort of masks to wear, and about the quality of the P2 masks online that they buy.

“You have no clue what amount of filtration you are getting from a fabric mask if you go out and purchase one. All of these aspects need to be included in a strategy for masks so that people know where to receive the information they need… and so they can choose whether or not a mask will fulfill their requirements. You can also read Some exciting facts about nitrile gloves you should know by visiting

According to her, vaccination is the first line of defense we have against the Covid-19 virus; however, the Omicron variation of the virus is more likely to evade immunization than the Delta variant, and as a result, it will soon be even more vital to wear a face mask that is effective.

According to Dr. Telfar-Barnard, a well-fitting N95 or P2 face mask is the most beneficial kind of face mask for the general population to use.

In addition to having an electrostatic coating that helps to resist airborne particles, these masks have also been tested to ensure that they reach a high degree of filtration.

In addition to this, they are able to provide “an extremely excellent seal” on the majority of faces.

According to her, the KN95 mask, which is quite similar to the N95 mask, was evaluated according to Chinese filtration standards, which are not as stringent.

KN95s often have ear ties rather than ear straps, which results in a less secure fit. In addition, there are numerous imitation KN95s on the market, which the vast majority of consumers are unable to differentiate from authentic ones.

According to Dr. Telfar-Barnard, the government of New Zealand has to take steps to guarantee a supply chain in order to ensure that all citizens of the country have access to buy P2 masks or N95 masks.

She proposes that individuals in New Zealand look at what they are doing to protect themselves and others from the virus and see how they may strengthen that protection. In the meanwhile, New Zealanders are waiting for more accessibility.

She believes that surgical face masks are a better choice since they are more effective than fabric masks, even after being washed several times. (You should acquire new ones when they grow dirty looking or when the straps become insecure.)

According to Dr. Telfar-Barnard, cloth masks are a viable choice if they have a snug fit and have some kind of filtration.

However, you should be warned that wearing one of these would not prevent you from getting the virus or passing it on for nearly as long as would wearing a surgical mask.

Transmission may take place in as little as 15 minutes if none of the persons involved is wearing a mask. If you and your partner are both wearing a standard cotton mask, the duration of the experience will be around 25 minutes. After you have put on surgical, you will have maybe an hour till you are free to go. And a particularly well-fitted P2 or N95 that can extend up to 6.5 hours before you’ll transmit between people if you’re both wearing them. If you’re both wearing them. Therefore, it does constitute a factor that should be considered on both sides of the equation. Click here to read about Safer travel guidance during COVID.

Posted by Katie Starke in Surgical mask