Month: August 2022

Essential medical test before cataract surgery sydney

Essential medical test before cataract surgery sydney

A competent eye surgeon will not perform cataract surgery on you without first testing you. Medical test is an integral part in terms restoring one’s health. Therefore, if you see the symptoms of cataracts, some tests will be carried out on you even before you enter the theatre room for surgery.

You might be wondering why you need to know the medical tests involve before cataract surgery sydney. Knowing the medical tests involved in cataract surgery will help you to prepare yourself for the task ahead. So, with the explanation of the medical tests, we will talk about here, you will at least have a clue about the process. 

Also, if you want to know if your cataract surgeon is competent, he would run some tests on you to see the state of your eye health. A qualified eye doctor will measure the visual acuity before telling a patient to register for cataract surgery. He (the doctor) will also examine the pupil, the lids, and lashes. Your doctor will also measure the intraocular pressure.    

Related: Essential things to know before going for cataract surgery

Therefore, in this article, we will explain the meaning of cataracts and what cataract surgery entails. Then, we will move on to explain in detail some necessary medical tests before cataract surgery.

Essential medical test before cataract surgery sydney

However, you need to do something special. You need to pay attention and shun all distractions right now. Are you ready for the ride? Let’s ride!

The moment you’re seeing some difficulties in your eyes, there should be a cause for alarm. The common signs that one may be battling cataracts are glare of light, if you find it so hard to see at night, inability to read, and astigmatism. A cataract occurs when there is a problem in the cloudy zone of the eye. 

So, cataract begins when the protein in the eye starts to accumulate clumps that can affect the lens from transferring clear images to the retina. Once the lens is affected from transporting images to the retina, one will begin to see some of the symptoms listed above. A cataract does not occur suddenly. It does happen bit by bit, and one needs to rise and do the needful before things get worse. 

What is cataract surgery?

Cataract surgery is the most successful way of treating cataracts. The fact remains that cataract occurs when the natural lens is faulty or damaged. So, once the natural lens is affected, there’s no other way to treat it than to replace the natural lens with an artificial one. And that’s the procedure in cataract surgery. Cataract surgery is the process that involves bringing out the faulty natural lens and replacing it with an artificial one. The natural lens cannot be repaired. Once it is defective, one can only replace it with an artificial one.  Click here to read more about Some exciting facts about nitrile gloves you should know.

Essential medical test before cataract surgery

  1. Biometry test: This special test measures the eye’s shape and size. It is unprofessional for a surgeon to carry out cataract surgery on patients without running this test on them. A biometric test is a unique tool to measure or calculate the power of intraocular lens implants for cataract surgery. Dear reader, we want you to know that the moment you hear your doctor telling you that he needs to run a biometric test on you, you should rest assured you’re in the right place. Therefore, please remember that you’ll do a biometric test before entering the theatre room for cataract surgery. 
  2. Corneal topography test: This medical test is helpful in exceptional cases. It is a test that must be carried out on patients that wants to undergo laser corneal surgery. A corneal topography test must be carried out on patients before cataract surgery. It is a test used to detect the intraocular lens’s type and power to be implanted. 
Essential medical test before cataract surgery sydney
  1. Blood pressure test: A test that’ll shows the blood pressure must be carried out on patients before cataract surgery. If the blood pressure is high, the surgeon should suspend the surgery. Conducting a surgery when one’s blood pressure is high can leads to complications during the surgery. 
    Bleeding can occur if the blood pressure is high. And that is why competent surgeons will not overlook the aspect of knowing the blood pressure level of their patients before they embark on the surgery procedure. Therefore, if you are advised to undergo cataract surgery to remove cataracts in your eye and the surgeon is not concerned about your blood pressure, we will notify you to visit another clinic. Honestly, some people completely lose their sight because they have high blood pressure. So, when the surgeon made a cut, their blood rushed out with so much pressure. Please take note of this. 
  1. Optical coherence tomography test: This test is also essential before cataract surgery. An eye specialist can measure the frontal chamber area of the lens with optical coherence tomography. Likewise, optical coherence tomography can also be used to measure the viewpoint of the lens. Then, with posterior segment optical coherence tomography, the eye specialist will know if there are fluctuations in the macula. This is a vital tool for getting a prediction for the patient. Please note that if the optical coherence tomography is evocative on any macular, then the choice of the lens may likely change. 

Other things that must be done before cataract surgery

The eye specialist would also make sure that the patients are in their right frame of mind. Patients must be ready physically and psychologically. Complications may arise if someone that wants to undergo cataract surgery is not balanced emotionally. So, it is expedient for you to know that after the above-listed tests have been carried out on you, you also need to put yourself together and stay strong. That way, you can avoid complications after and during the procedure.

Also, patients that’ll undergo cataract surgery should not exercise fear. Do not allow the fear of surgery to grip your heart. 

On a final note

Dear reader, we hope you’ve seen something to share with family and friends that are battling cataracts. This article contains the meaning of cataracts and what cataract surgery entails. Then, we discussed the medical tests that’ll be carried out on patients before undergoing this procedure. Finally, if you have a contribution or a perception regarding this topic, please share.  

Posted by Katie Starke in Cataract Surgery
Essential things to know before going for cataract surgery

Essential things to know before going for cataract surgery

You don’t just enter the theatre room without knowing some fact about cataract surgery. Of course, you might have been seeing some symptoms of cataract. Then, it would help if you visited your eye doctor for a proper checkup. Remember, you’re going to the eye clinic to converse with your doctor. So, the eye doctor must instruct you or give you direction on what to do. Not all eye problems require cataract surgery. Also, if it is crystal clear that one is battling with a cataract, one should not conclude on doing cataract surgery without first visiting an eye doctor. Even though you see the symptoms of a cataract, that doesn’t guarantee that what you need is cataract surgery. We’ve seen several cases that are not severe. In fact, some doctors prescribed some eye drops to their patients, and they all came back to say something nice. 

However, in this article, we’ll discuss the meaning of cataracts and the importance of cataract surgery; then, we move to the essential things you need to know before going for this procedure. Hence, as a reader, you have a role to play. Please pay attention and follow us closely. 

A cataract is a deficiency in the eye that happens when there’s a gray zone in the eye lens. This eye issue usually begins when the protein in one’s eye creates clumps that prevent the lens from transporting images to the retina. Remember, the retina changes the light that comes through the lens into signals. So, the retina sends signals to the optic nerve before the brain connects with it. A cataract is not something one can hold with levity. If it is left untreated, one can go blind totally.

Essential things to know before going for cataract surgery

What is cataract surgery?

Surgery is an aspect of medical practice that treats injuries, diseases, and deformities by physical removal. Also, surgery could be a readjustment of organs and tissues. It often involves a cutting in the body. With that said, cataract surgery is the process of eliminating the lens that is affected. The process does not only include eradicating natural lenses. It also involves replacing the lens with an artificial one. And that is when the process is complete. An Ophthalmologist can carry out cataract surgery. So, this surgery involves cutting and removing the faulty natural lens and replacing it with an artificial lens.  

Things you need to know before undergoing cataract surgery

  1. Use eye drops: After you’ve been in the clinic to lodge complaints about your eye health, your eye doctor may likely prescribe some eye drops to you. Make sure you use those eye drops as defined by the doctor. Although, using these eye drops doesn’t mean one will not undergo surgery. The eye drop is a standard medication for everyone battling one eye problem or the other. For instance, your doctor might give you antibiotic eye drops and some other eye drops. Please ensure that you use those eye drops as prescribed by your eye doctor. Don’t be deceived by men’s ideology.
  1. Pay attention to the changes in your eye: You’ll begin to see some changes in your eye if you use those eye drops. So, one thing is for you to use your eye drops as prescribed, and another is to focus on the changes that occur during the process. It is expedient for you to know that the changes that occur while using the eye drop is significant. So, you need to pay rapt attention because you need to provide complete details about your eye health to your doctor. This will surely help your cataract surgery procedure.  
  2. Talk to your doctor: Before the surgery, there should be effective communication between you and your eye doctor. It would be best to converse with your doctor about how you’re feeling. You don’t just lay back and assume all is well. There’s a tendency for you to begin to see some changes as you start to take some of the medications prescribed to you. And you need to tell your doctor about it. Therefore, effective communication between you and your eye doctor is vital and will contribute to the success of cataract surgery. 
Essential things to know before going for cataract surgery
  1. Know your surgeon: It is essential to know who your surgeon is before the day of the surgery. You need to know his name, who he is, and how far he has gone in successfully carrying out cataract surgery. You might be wondering if this fact is essential. Some people lose their vision entirely after cataract surgery because an inexperienced surgeon handled their case. Do you want to avoid that? Do you want to have a safe and uncomplicated surgery procedure? Then, you need to know who the surgeon is before entering the theatre room. You can start by knowing his name. If you know his name, you can do research about him to understand what he is up to. You must know if the surgeon who wants to handle your case has been in the game. And that’s the only way to avoid complications. Do not allow an inexperienced ophthalmologist to handle your case. If you permit an incompetent surgeon to touch your eye, complications like bleeding, swelling, and vision loss may occur. We want you to know that this step is crucial. You need to know this before undergoing cataract surgery. 
  2. Do not take alcohol: The moment it is crystal clear that you’ll be in the theatre room for cataract surgery, you must avoid taking alcohol. This fact is the root cause of complications after some people have successfully done the surgery. Of course, your eye doctor will tell you this. If you’re addicted to alcohol, you must control yourself and stay strong. Hence, if you want to have successful cataract surgery and you can’t do without alcohol, there’s a tendency that complications will arise after you’re done with the process.

On a final note

Dear reader, there’s nothing more you need to know. The information here is something tangible. That way, one can run with it and share it with family and friends. Finally, we are open to receiving questions and contributions regarding this topic. If you have a contribution, please feel free to share.

Posted by Katie Starke in Cataract Surgery
Exceptional facts about cataract surgery

Exceptional facts about cataract surgery

Cataract surgery stands proud among one of the most common surgical procedures done worldwide. Although it is delicate (I mean…it involves the eye, which is essentially the mirror to the soul), Cataract surgery has a success rate of 98% due to modern-day technology.

Welcome avid readers, you are probably reading this article to know more about cataract surgery or you have some misconceptions concerning the surgery. However, the case may be I’ve got you covered! 

Facts about cataract surgery

First off, let’s understand what a cataract is before getting down to the cataract surgery aspect. A cataract is a condition brought about by the hardening, discoloration, and cloudiness of the lens in the eye. So yes, it is not a growth, more like a muscle or a flexible string that has lost its flexibility. No, cataracts can be progressive or not. What am I saying?  Well it’s like this, you being diagnosed with cataracts (verified by your optician or doctor) means two things, you would essentially need to be placed under monitoring to observe if you’re is progressing, or it’s “just there”. Let me explain this further, if it doesn’t get worse (in the sense that it is not affecting your day-to-day life significantly) other treatment methods can be used before considering surgery. For instance, using glasses, eye drops contact lenses, etc. But in cases where the condition seems to be getting worse, your doctor will offer surgery to you as an option (it is basically your choice) before it totally and irreversibly damages your eye. Click here for essential medical test before cataract surgery sydney.

Now down to the fact by the way it will be both about cataract and cataract surgery.

Exceptional facts about cataract surgery

Fact #1: Cataracts are incredibly common

You know that whole idea of how cataract is an old people’s condition, well debunk it. Cataracts can happen to anyone belonging to any age group. Some of the causative factors for cataracts include smoking, diabetes, prolonged use of steroids, radiation therapy from X-rays or chemo, trauma to the eye, and exposure to UV rays (this can be from the sun as well, this is enough reason to stop sun gazing and start using UV-protected glasses when going out in the sun), and it can be hereditary or congenital which means babies can have it (this is a very rare condition though).

Fact #2: Doing close-up tasks do not make cataracts worse

There is a common misconception people have about cataracts, they’ll tell you things like if you keep straining your eyes to read or so, or any tasks that involve your eye being close enough to focus on what you are doing that your cataract will progress. Although, you are bound to notice the impact of cataracts (I.e. blurry vision) when you do activities like the ones listed above, but essentially such activities do not cause or worsen cataracts.

Fact #3: cataract surgery is one of the most common surgeries

As earlier stated, cataract surgery is a very common surgery with a 98% success rate. Essentially it is a procedure that removes the cloudy lens and replaces it with an artificial lens or intraocular lens (it is basically the same thing). Usually, it is done as an outpatient procedure (meaning you don’t have to stay overnight in the hospital after surgery) using ultrasound.

Fact #4: cataracts can be treated with contact lenses, glasses or surgery

Surgery is not basically the only go-to method for cataract treatment (while this is being said, it is the only cure). There are other treatment methods depending on the severity of your case, so it is imperative to discuss and evaluate the treatment options you have with your doctor before concluding on one. The use of glasses and contacts is just part of the treatment options you might be given.

Fact #5: cataract is not the same for everyone

The severity and how it forms can be different from individual to individual. There are two types of cataracts, we have Nuclear cataracts and Cortical cataracts. Nuclear cataract forms in the nucleus of the lens, while cortical cataracts develop in the cortex which is the center of the lens. Knowing the location of the cataract is highly imperative before surgery and this also helps to know the severity of vision loss. A nuclear cataract is a form of the normal aging process, they are often asymptomatic until they start to interfere with vision. Cortical cataract on the other hand forms on the outer layer of the eye lens, causing the eye lens to change shape and become hard. It is a gradual process and this does not affect vision immediately. When cortical cataracts become problematic they can be removed surgically and replaced with an artificial or intraocular lens.

Exceptional facts about cataract surgery

Fact #6: working with cataracts is dangerous

If you find yourself working in a setting that involves handling heavy-duty machines, computing (which would involve keeping important and sensitive records), sports activities, artistic events, or even health sectors (for instance working as a doctor or a surgeon), the act of delaying your treatment is not only worrisome but dangerous as you will be putting both yourself and others at risk.

Fact #7 Cologne delaying your surgery while cataract is getting progressively worse can delay recovery

Now it is understandable that the word surgery is enough to get some people into panic mode, but it is imperative to understand that in times when your cataracts are getting progressive and already interfering with your daily life that surgery becomes your go-to option. Don’t hesitate, don’t delay the process, and don’t  manage your eye because each time you delay, you reduce your chances of speedy recovery after surgery and also boost the risks of developing secondary cataracts after surgery. In some cases delay for progressive cataract condition can lead to blindness, which is irreversible so don’t wait until you become blind.

Fact #8: cataract surgery can help with other vision problems

Many people have reported their ability to see better after cataract surgery. It has been said that cataract surgery can treat various vision problems like short-sightedness, long-sightedness, and astigmatism. That being said, don’t go into cataract surgery when you do not have a cataract. For other vision-impaired problems seek your doctor’s opinion for a treatment course.

In conclusion, while cataract surgery is  an easy and low-risk procedure, it is imperative to consult with a certified hospital or surgeon if interested in surgery. Don’t go for substandard surgical treatment or centers, get a proper recommendation and review before allowing any hospital or surgeon to handle your surgery.

Posted by Katie Starke in Cataract Surgery, Lasik Eye